Academic Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

2021                         “Charity and Philanthropy in Middle East History,” History Compass, Historiography Review,

                                   “Imperial Diplomacy and Esther Fahmy Wissa’s Advocacy in Interwar Egypt,” under peer review.

                                   “Sectarian Politics? Securitization, Urban Development, and Coptic Advocacy in Cairo,” book chapter
in Cairo Securitized with American University in Cairo Press, ed. Paul Amar, forthcoming.

2020                        “The Chaldeans: Politics and Identity in Iraq and the American Diaspora,” Book Review, Arab Studies
28, no. 1 (Spring 2020), 122-126.

“Orthodox Religion and Politics in Contemporary Eastern Europe,” Book Review, Journal for Religion,
State and Society
48, no. 2 (Summer 2020).

2019                     “Between Christ and Caliph: Law, Marriage, and Christian Community in Early Islam,” Book
                                    Review, Reading Religion.

2016 “From the Cedars to the Frontlines: Danbury’s Greater Syrian Immigrants and the Great War,”
Connecticut History Review Journal, 55, no. 2 (Fall 2016), 140-152.

Archive Review Guides

2020                        “Researching Modern Egypt Online,” Digital Archives Review, HAZINE.

2019                        “Researching Modern Coptic History: A Guide to the Archives in the US and Egypt,” Archives  
                                   Review, Coptic Canadian History Project.

2016 “The Armenian-Syrian Relief Fund in World War l-Era Connecticut,” Connecticut Digital
Newspaper Project
, Fall 2016.